Work in progress, we are currently filling in the help enviroment.

1.66, 1.67 & 1.68

Feedmapper UI: cleaner, compact, and more intuitive

We've given the Feedmapper interface a fresh look with UI changes that focus on clarity and usability. The new design is more compact, making it easier for you to navigate and manage your data mapping tasks.

API update: filter on multiple ExternalKeys

We've added the ability to filter on multiple ExternalKeys in our API. This update allows you to retrieve targeted data more easily, improving how you manage product information across channels, making your workflows smoother and more efficient.

Updates and improvements

We have improved some functionalities:

  • Export module: improvements to ensure more accurate and efficient data exports.
  • CE feeds: updates for better data synchronization and performance.
  • Completion list sidebar: improved functionality for managing specification groups more effectively.
  • Feedmapper
  • Tax category

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