Work in progress, we are currently filling in the help enviroment.

1.64 & 1.65

New API URL path available

We have introduced a new URL path for our external API. The old path will remain active until all users have migrated, but we encourage you to switch to the new path as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team or your integration partner.

New URL:
Old URL:

Please note: We are currently using version 1 (v1) of our API endpoints. The base URL for accessing these endpoints is:

Base URL:
For example, if you want to find a product, the endpoint URL would be:

We will monitor the migration process and reach out to those who have not yet updated their configurations.

Enhanced Multi-option selector

Product specification pages now feature React Select for multi-option selections, making it easier to add and manage specification options for your products.

Specification groups Bulk Edit page enhancements

On the Specification Groups Bulk Edit page, you can now change the order of your specifications getting a quick overview of empty values. This makes the required specs bulk editing process easier.

Updates and improvements

We have improved some functionalities:

  • Export module
  • Pricebook
  • Parent ID in API

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